Dear Community, Update on the DEI balance reinstatement.

28 May 2023, 18:09
Dear Community, Update on the DEI balance reinstatement As per our previous communication and elaborated in our GitBook, the DEUS team is preparing snapshots to reinstate all DEI balances. The primary objective has been to restore all balances to the state before the incident considering all actions taken during the incident until all contracts were put on hold. Final progress: Subgraph to track DEI transfers across different chains: 90% complete. Subgraph specifically for DEI LPs: Completed. Identification of all DEI LPs and their quantities: Completed. Composition of a complex script to analyze transfers from the subgraphs: 90% complete. Data Verification and Resolution of Any Discovered Bugs: We are about to finalize the snapshot data and aim to release it by the end of next week. Then, a public verification period of 1-2 weeks will be followed, where every user can validate their balances and report any irregularities through a dedicated form. The public verification process will assist us in identifying and addressing potential issues or bugs. We will propose a restoration plan as soon as we have concrete data. Timeline: 20.05 - 02.06: Manual restoration of about 200 transactions that the snapshot tools could not track due to their unusual or complex structure. 03.06-04.06: Final internal checks on data to ensure data integrity before public release. 04.06 - 11th or 18th of June: (Depending on user feedback) we will make snapshot adjustments, fix bugs in the snapshot software and validate claims of irregularities. 11-30th of June (depending on severity of irregularities in released data and user feedback) Short-term reimbursement plan, we will release the final snapshot data, propose a short-term reimbursement plan, and set up a contract to claim your USDC. Afterwards we will work on a Long-term reimbursement. A more comprehensive recovery plan will be developed for those interested in participating in the long-term success of DEUS, including the potential relaunch and reimbursement from future profits. We empathize with those in urgent need of funds, but we ask for your understanding as we strive for absolute accuracy in our data. Any premature or partially executed reimbursement could lead to discrepancies and disputes, negatively affecting others affected by the incident and potential irregularities in their data. Therefore, we must be 100% certain about the data before proceeding with any form of reimbursement. We appreciate your patience and support during this process, and we are committed to ensuring a fair and thorough resolution. On another note, we encourage those interested in DEUS v3 updates, the new upcoming frontends, and anything related to Cloverfield development to join the Cloverfield Discord. During this period of DEI reimbursement, we will be sharing relevant information exclusively through this platform. Best regards, Lafayette