Subject: DEI Incident Update - 08. Dear DEUS Community,. As of today, 08.

08 May 2023, 15:21
Subject: DEI Incident Update - 08.05.2023 Dear DEUS Community, As of today, 08.05.2023, we have made significant progress in recovering the affected funds. Thanks to the joint efforts of the DEUS team, Chain analysis, and reputable whitehats in the space, we have managed to retrieve the following: 1️⃣ 2023 ETH from the initial attacker on Arbitrum Source: 2️⃣ 702,480.99 USDC from @adamb83024264, @paladin_marco, and @pcaversaccio on Arbitrum Source: 3️⃣ 1,070,127 DAI from the MEV bot that blocked and front-ran the initial attack on BSC Source: Total recovery figure estimates at this moment The total recovered funds now amount to nearly 5.5 million out of the 7 million initially affected as per media coverage. That puts the total recovery rate at approximately 70%-80%, including ALL LP deposits (also including their USDC/USDT parts). Addressed to those who tried to profit but are now stuck: We also want to directly address those who interacted with DEI contracts during the attack despite the team's warning. As the nature of this exploit allowed funds to be moved out of every wallet, our only logical approach was to stop the attack by pausing ALL contracts. The team repeatedly asked the community to refrain from interacting further with DEI contracts throughout the night of 5th May, therefore there is currently nothing we can do to roll that transactions back until the full snapshot and reimbursement program is finalized. At this point we ask you as all other dei holders to remain patient until the full reimbursement plan is laid out. To anyone who was able to profit from the situation Additionally, due to the nature of this attack, it opened arbitrage opportunities for essentially everyone. These funds have to be lawfully returned to the LP owners. We will contact all those profiting from market operations during the exploit and offer them a similar white hat bounty for their efforts as the MEV bot and the initial attacker on Arbitrum received. We ask these market participants, to reach out to the team onchain or via email to Important Note to manage expectations: The definite backing number is dependent on arbitrage profits and users' actions, and the exact figure can only be given once all snapshots have been taken, please be aware that the entire reimbursement (which includes people still stuck in LPs, bridges, or users who still hold DEI on ANY chain) process may take some days, up to a few weeks. However, we expect that during the time it takes to prepare the snapshots and reimbursement contracts, additional Market Participants and whitehats will be returning funds, increasing the total to be reimbursed percentage even higher. We appreciate the continued support and patience of the community as we work diligently to resolve this situation. We will keep everyone informed here and on twitter of further updates and developments. Sincerely, The DEUS Team